Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I apologize for the delay but the blog has been put on hold. My recording set up is not working so i have put this project on hold until i can get new equipment.
I'm sorry

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


As it says at the top, this blog is about appreciating and criticizing games from a generation that is vastly different from the current norm. The gaming landscape is not what it used to be and I intended to return to gaming when graphics, realism and multiplayer aspects were not required to put a game on store shelves. I hope that i can influence people to go back and appreciate the roots of today gaming giants.

I'm a student at the moment so i don't know how often i will be able to make posts, but as of right now i will post thoughts when ever i can sit down and play. I intended to get a list posted on the side bar (=>) of all the games that i own and i will play through them all one by one.

Welcome to G(-).
I think of it as G minus, if anyone has a better name, run it by me but I'll stick with this for now.